Fishing Friends – It seemed like this summer’s heat would just never end, but suddenly we’ve had a little bump in water levels, temperatures have cooled and the cold-water pools are reopened.  The next 10 day’s forecast looks pretty good too.  I’ll be headed up on September 6th for the rest of the season, and as always, I’m really looking forward to it. Let’s start out by reviewing the trap numbers through August 15. , …Read More →

Fishing Friends – I’m constantly reminded of the incredible importance that Miramichi salmon fishing has had to fly fishermen from all over the Northeast.  Here’s a little story about all that I hope you’ll enjoy. About this time of year, we are often looking for the cracks in summer’s armor. Sometimes things just change by inches, but more often the heat hangs on what seems like interminably, then all of a sudden there is, …Read More →