4/28/2015 – my annual black salmon – kelt – trip to the Miramichi was delayed twice by ice, and finally I headed up alone for a quick two days on the water with Jason Curtis. It was as much to check out the camps as anything. It is still winter this year in Blackville. There were snow drifts all over the place, and from the camp windows I could see deer day and night moving around the bare patches in the fields to eat the emerging grass.
The kelt fishing started off slow with extremely cold water. Jason said that in all his life along the river he had never seen so few people out fishing in late April. Things improved though, and we had what I would consider to be more or less normal catches. Byron Coughlin’s Country Haven guides were out with sports. Darrell Warren, one of the guides who also guides with me at Campbell’s in the summer had 8 on Sunday morning. Not bad!
Jason and I drove his Sharpe canoe 25 miles from camp up to the Mahoney Brook camp on the Cains and had our traditional barbecued hot dog and beer lunch. Here is LINK to the Salmon Forum where you can see the text and pictures.