Despite some serious cold, and more to come, the SWM still has a tiny channel of running water at Bullocks in Boiestown. This is because the river is still running at an unusually high 2.8 meters.
Fishing Friends – we had a Miramichi Salmon Association executive committee meeting yesterday, 2/1/23 from Fredericton and by Zoom. We received good news on the condition of the eggs in the MSA hatchery, and while not a final count, it is anticipated that in June of 2023 approximately 500,000 fry will be stocked in the headwaters of the SWMiramichi, the Cains River and the Dungarvon River. The MSA is conducting a multi-year experiment in the Dungarvon to try and determine the single most effective method of stocking salmon fry- first feeding fry versus stocking adults raised in a hatchery from wild smolts as had been proposed in the CAST program – and as is being done now successfully in many locations outside the Miramichi.
Fishermen are blessed to have the MSA, since this is the only organization focused on the health of the Miramichi River, the greatest Atlantic salmon river in Canada. The MSA is doing an excellent job of advocating for our favorite fish. By the way, how can I claim that the Miramichi is the greatest salmon river in Canada? Look at this map of the Miramichi system that was drawn in 1949 by salmon conservationist Percy Knobbs. Knobbs, by the way, was credited with rebuilding the severely depleted Matane River population with Cascapedia River stock – clear proof of the effectiveness of stock supplementation when properly done. Knobbs said that for all practical purposes the amount of spawning gravel in the Miramichi system was unlimited, and that it was roughly equal in extent to all the salmon rivers of the Gaspe Peninsula combined. Salmon are present in every one of the tributaries on this map.
The Miramichi drains 20% of the Province of NB and virtually every tributary is currently the home to wild Atlantic salmon. The resource is unmatched in Canada.
We are now in the final days of the winter fundraising season at MSA US. Two nights from now, 2/4/23 we will hold our USA Winter Event in Falmouth, Maine. This is the only in person fundraiser held in the US, and the first one since Covid. We can still add a few for dinner and can accommodate all requests to attend virtually. CLICK THIS LINK TO READ ABOUT OR REGISTER FOR THE EVENT.
The MSA US online auction and raffle is underway. Bidding has improved quite a bit, but there are still lots of bargains and some wonderful items that have not yet received an opening bid.
Beyond auction items we have four raffles: a terrific Luther Hall original painting of the Cains River, choice of any Rio fly line, choice of any Sage fly rod, pair of Reddington zippered waders. This is essentially the same lineup as last year when we were swamped with ticket purchases. This year is 180 degrees. We have not sold enough tickets on most of the items to cover our cost. This is great for you because your odds of winning are incredible compared to what you would expect.
Please note that you will then need to click the orange link to get to the separate raffle page.
Here are some of the items currently up for auction:
The photo on the right is fly casting instructor Steve Smith’s back yard on the SW Miramichi in Blackville. Steve and I are both crazy about using a Spey rod to fish for spring salmon from the bank. One of the donations up for auction is a day of fishing and Spey casting instruction – or just plain comradery if you are already skilled in the sport – for up to 6 anglers. Take the day for yourself or invite a few of your buds. We’ll even be tossing some bubba burgers on the grill at lunch time. Check it out!