This website offers the books On the Cains and Closing the Season, and shares with my fellow Atlantic salmon devotees information about the Miramichi River’s Atlantic salmon fishery. Other books by me such as Maine to Montauk and Black Spruce Stream can be purchased through my “author’s page” on Amazon at this link.
Conservation: The Greenland Deal Here are some excerpts from a recent Atlantic Salmon Federation press release: “A deal has been reached that will halt commercial salmon fishing in Greenland and the Faroe Islands for the next 12years to allow adult wild Atlantic salmon to return to rivers in Canada, the United States, and Europe. The financial details are being kept confidential, but Atlantic Salmon Federation spokesman Neville Crabbe said no government money, …Read More →
Seems a little strange to be writing about the tipping point – that time between spring salmon and the first bright fish on the Miramichi – when not much more than a week ago it was cold, and the water level was near flood stage. But it’s different now. The Miramichi is down to just over 2 meters in height which is a reasonable level for mid-May. I just spent a few days up at, …Read More →
The weather and fishing – Spring has finally come to the Miramichi valley. As those of you living in the Northeast know, it was a crazy winter. We had a snow cover in coastal Maine from virtually the first of December until well into April. They still have it in parts of inland Maine. One true Blackville gray beard told me that it was the most snow he had seen in the woods, …Read More →
I’ve been asked by several followers of this blog to post any new information about the CAST Program. CAST stands for the Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow, and the collaboration is one of private industry, namely Irving and Cook Aquaculture, the University of New Brunswick, and various not for profit organizations including the Miramichi Salmon Association. CAST has done a number of things such as installing special cameras to count the number of migrating salmon in, …Read More →
The 2017 Miramichi Salmon Run The MSA Boston dinner and auction was on Saturday Feb. 4th. The event was quite well attended, and as usual, lots of fun. Perhaps one of the reasons was the good array of pertinent information presented in the afternoon seminars. The day preceding the event is also the winter board meeting, and we had additional information presented on the conservation efforts of the MSA. Clearly the most important information, …Read More →
Fishing Friends – this is just a quick note over the holidays to let you know about a few things that are going on with Atlantic salmon on the Miramichi. Of whom and when was this picture taken? Read below to find out. First, here is a recent e-mail from Miramichi Salmon Association announcing their Boston Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 3. This is an important dinner for several reasons. It raises needed funds, …Read More →
Having had no chance to fish the upper Cains this year, with some good rain forecast, and a little exploring in mind, I headed back up to the Mahoney Brook camp on the Cains for a few days of enjoying the last phase of the 2017 salmon run. I had three goals for this trip: first I wanted to try and observe salmon spawning somewhere near the camp, second I wanted to walk to, …Read More →
Another year of Atlantic Salmon fishing on the Miramichi has ended. The season closed on Sunday evening October 15 on the lower river, and September 30th for the headwaters. As a general statement 2017 turned out to be a relatively poor year for salmon fishing on the Miramichi. While there is no question that the salmon run in the Miramichi and many other rivers was down, in the final analysis it was not down, …Read More →
I’ve always love the last days of summer on the Miramichi, and even though it is normally the low point of the season’s fishing, I have a hard time staying away. During the last couple of weeks there were a few heavy downpours from thunderstorms; one day the headwaters of the Cains got 10mm or about 4/10ths of an inch rain. Unfortunately none of these storms were prolonged or wide spread enough to bring, …Read More →
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has updated the fish counts in the trapnets used to estimate the salmon run into the Miramichi River as of 8/15/2017. The numbers are poor, but given the wretched conditions of the summer I’m frankly a little surprised that they aren’t worse. Note that the numbers below are the trap catches and only represent a small percentage of the actual number of fish in the run. Similarly the, …Read More →