To supporters of the Save Miramichi Salmon litigation strategy:
You are receiving this e-mail because you expressed an interest in being kept abreast of SMS’s progress on its potential litigation with DFO.
In May of 2019 the FOPO Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans in Canada produced a document that instructed DFO to balance the populations of Atlantic salmon and striped bass in the Miramichi. They made this point clearly and strongly. You can read the report of the committee at this link. It is not terribly long or difficult to get through. The DFO office in Moncton simply chose to disregard this instruction. The terrible depletion of the Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi is the consequence of this inaction by DFO.
Today we are asking you to send the FOPO letter attached below to members of the committee – modified in your own words as you wish. These are all legislators with a special interest in fisheries, and they are motivated to produce good results. The Action Plan 2 includes complete instruction, but do not hesitate to reply to this e-mail with any questions that you might have. The Action Plan 2, FOPO letter and Excel mailing lists are attached at the end of this message.
Brad Burns for Save Miramichi Salmon Inc.
Last week we asked you to write letters to Federal and Provincial legislators asking them to instruct the Minister of DFO to meet with representatives of Save Miramichi Salmon and negotiate a plan to turn around the salmon population in the Miramichi. We hope you have done that, and if not perhaps you can do go back and do that. If you no longer have that e-mail please contact us and we’ll resend it. The order in which you send out these two e-mails is not important. They are different approaches to the same problem – DFO’s continued refusal to protect Miramichi salmon.
Please forward this e-mail to any of your fellow salmon fishers who may not be on our list yet. Anyone receiving this e-mail may be placed on our supporters list by just sending me an e-mail and asking to be included.