On 11/22/24, attorneys for SMS sent DFO a Demand Letter that can be read at this link. In this letter we spelled out the basic approach that must be followed to begin the turn-around of the Miramichi salmon population. We said that if DFO did not contact us and make a good faith effort to meet and begin negotiations toward these management measures that we would be forced to file litigation against them.
So far, we have not heard from DFO. We are still hoping to. Regardless, though, of whether they willingly negotiate the survival of Miramichi salmon with us or not, we must do what we can to let DFO know how serious this situation is and how committed we are individually to regaining a healthy population of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi.
What we are asking you to do today is send a letter/e-mail to a small list of officials. These officials are your Federal Member of Parliament and five individuals from within the Province. A link to the “Letter from the people to legislators” appears below as do two small excel lists that include all the contacts. There is also an Action Plan 1 that give complete instructions on what to do. If there are any questions, though, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me with any questions.
Let’s show these people how much the Miramichi salmon fishery means to us!
Sincerely, Brad Burns for Save Miramichi Salmon Inc.
P.S. Some of you are also listed on a Save Miramichi Salmon Supporters database and will already have seen this e-mail. If so, please disregard this.
Here are links to the letter and the excel sheets.
Letter from the people to legislators
Was able to access it on this,thanks Mac
Note to DFO. I am asking you to get more concerned about the status of Atlantic salmon
in our area. Give some thought to the Outfitters, Guides, local businesses, etc. that depend on
salmon, for their lively hood….for Outfitters, think of the investment they have made to their
lodges over the years, the employment they offer for local Miramichi people!!
Thank you Ron. Brad
Please do something to reduce the uncontrolled very large number of striped bass
That are having a huge effect on the at risk parr population
Very simple changes in the law with no additional funding would make a huge difference
The local fishermen could also profit from increased bass quotas.
Something has to be done
The Dfo will be blamed for the total collapse of the salmon population!
Thank you
John – reducing the striped bass population to 100,000 is the entire focus of what we are trying to do. That is the maximum number of striped bass with which the Miramichi salmon population can co-exist. We are using every means at our disposal to try and get this policy instituted by DFO. Thanks Brad
You get the rename ot the Moncton airport because R Leblanc was the fisheries minister when the shut down the cod, which devastated a lot of hard working people, and it continues today. The same people make the same mistake everytime.